Make programming fun by learning the basics without a computer

Code Master is a groundbreaking game that teaches children to think like a computer while learning how to code. This ultimate coding adventure teaches the mental model and thinking discipline required to learn computer programming. In this fun game, you won’t just learn how to program, you’ll also build planning, …

Create, Craft and Code with Circuit Stickers by Chibitronics

We all know how stickers work which is why the simplicity works so well when matched with a make your own circuit. These peel-and-stick electrical elements give you a new way to experiment with batteries and LEDs, to make things like electronic greeting cards. No soldering required. Learn more…

The Foo’s – Learning to program is now child’s play

Programming is a new literacy that’s critical to unlocking creativity. Much of our world is now digital and codeSpark teaches kids the 21st century thinking skills they need to succeed. Kids will learn key computer science concepts like problem definition, pattern recognition, sequencing and conditionals. They will also learn valuable …