You’ll need these audio files too!
import os from gpiozero import Button, LED from random import choice from time import sleep button = Button(17) gryffindor = LED(27) slytherin = LED(6) hufflepuff = LED(4) ravenclaw = LED(19) message = ['Difficult, you are very difficult to sort: ', 'You are a hero, I know which house you belong to: ', 'I sense a darkness in your magic: ', 'When duty calls, you will do your bit for the school: '] houses = ['Gryffindor','Slytherin','Hufflepuff','Ravenclaw'] music = ['applause.wav', 'WilhelmScream.wav', 'buzzer.wav', 'Scream.wav'] print('Press the button to learn which house you will be joining.') while True: button.wait_for_press() house = choice(houses) print('Hmmm....let me see.....') sleep(2) if house == 'Gryffindor': gryffindor.blink(0.2,0.2) print(message[0], house) play = (music[0]) os.system("aplay {0}".format(play)) sleep(1) elif house == 'Slytherin': slytherin.blink(0.2,0.2) print(message[2], house) play = (music[1]) os.system("aplay {0}".format(play)) sleep(3) elif house == 'Hufflepuff': hufflepuff.blink(0.2,0.2) print(message[3], house) play = (music[2]) os.system("aplay {0}".format(play)) sleep(3) elif house == 'Ravenclaw': ravenclaw.blink(0.2,0.2) print(message[1], house) play = (music[3]) os.system("aplay {0}".format(play)) sleep(3) print('\n') print('Who\'s next? Press the button to learn which house you will be joining.') sleep(0.2)